

Ultimately this is why you came to this website, don’t lie, to find out who.isjason.com?

Honestly I created this website to showcase myself as a software engineer when I was looking for a job. I had my resume on here, some nice javascript snippets to show that I was cool and up to date with the latest and greatest, blah blah blah…

As time went on I realized that I am no longer proficient in that language or library that I used 3 years ago, sure I can pick it up again but I’m am in no sense an expert. The projects and the problems I solved are what is the most interesting part about my career and as I see fit I’ll simply put that on my linkedin. That’s where everyone goes to research me when I would look for a job anyway. If you’re interested in something that’s not on there, contact me… be sincere… and maybe we’ll get a cup of coffee =D.

That sums up who I am and how I operate… Oh and yes I like movies, and yes that is my bitmoji.